By Norman Carr
Hmm, where have I been that begins with the letter H? Oh yeah, Hum, Croatia. While in Croatia, I happened upon a photo shoot on the island of Hvar.

Other H locations are Hackberry (Arizona), Hatch (New Mexico), Haystack Rock (Cannon Beach, Oregon), Heceta Head Lighthouse (Oregon), Helsinki (Finland), Howard (Kansas), and Hubbell Trading Post (Arizona).

As I look back over years of photos a theme emerged for H: Habitat, (house, home, and hacienda). Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna is an example of expressionist architecture. The House on Fire cliff dwelling is named for the red rock that blazes in brilliant sun.

My “I” photos are coming next. The letter is the most challenging so far. Even though I have visited Iceland, India, Indonesia, and Italy, I find few “I” cities or things in my early search. I will dig deep into the archives.

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