By Norman Carr
Gee, we have reached the letter G on this photographic journey. That is over one fourth of the way to Z. This stop includes a photo from far back in my archives.
Nearly five decades have passed since I photographed the elegant abuela cradling her bible in a Guatemala City church. I still remember her pause that Sunday morning, and I still wonder if she was polite or confused as I raised my camera. Was she complimented or cornered by a white stranger who paid more money for his camera than she would see in a year. But over the years it is I who has been humbled and intimidated by the depth of her dark eyes.

Guatemala City - photograph by Norman Carr
Of all the photogenic cities in the world a handful merit the top tier. In the mid-sized category one of my favorites is Girona where I photographed a small plaza quieted by the rain. Another town is the UNESCO World Heritage site Český Krumlov where I listened to a Gypsy jazz guitarist.

Girona, Spain - photograph by Norman Carr

Gypsy Jazz; Český Krumlov, Czech Republic - photograph by Norman Carr

My “H” photos are coming soon. They will include images of small towns in Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico and Croatia. You will see spectacular housing in Vienna and cliff dwellings in the Southwest desert. As always, I am interested in knowing your G or H person, place or thing.

All artwork and photography are the sole property of Norman Carr and are held under copyright even after purchase. The images, artwork, and contents of this website may not be copied, collected, or used for personal or professional use without written permission from Norman Carr. All images of artwork, sold or otherwise, are retained by Norman Carr.