By Norman Carr
Special Gallery Tour
Thursday, September 19 | 5-6 p.m. | Free Admission
Learn about the artistic practices of Mark Arts' students and instructors and the inspiration behind some of the works on display during this special tour of the School Of Creativity Salon. This year's exhibition features 170 works by 117 artists in a variety of mediums.
-Mark Art, Wichita, Kansas

Assemblage No. 3 by Norman Carr, 2024 - Carpet roll core, paper mâché, acrylic, wood - 32 x 11 x 14 inches
A student art show can be expected to display somewhat elementary creations. And this exhibition will make room for beginning artists and even nonartists. The pride from seeing first efforts hanging on a wall or sitting on a pedestal in beautiful Gladys and Karl T. Wiedemann Gallery greatly encourages beginners to continue their pursuits and to improve their skills.
However, for several reasons our community should not forgo a gallery visit because it includes early efforts of those exploring the many creative options at Mark Arts.
Firstly, this exhibition also includes Mark Arts instructors. Combined, these instructors have several decades of teaching and professional experience. They have exhibited in countless galleries and museums. They display a high quality of recent work.
Secondly, many students have college art degrees and professional experience. Their submissions to this exhibition demonstrate this background. They too have exhibited widely in local and national exhibitions.
Thirdly, other students without formal art education have become accomplished artists through years of practice. They enroll in Mark Arts classes not so much to learn their craft but to utilize the spacious facilities and well-equipped studios. Another common reason for enrolling is the opportunity to interact with other students of various backgrounds, ages, and skills. Creativity is greatly enhanced from this cross fertilization of demographics and outlooks. Young and less experienced students certainly benefit from the knowledge of instructors and the experience of more advanced students. However, retirees with fine arts degrees and resumes stuffed with awards 2gain from perspectives shared with diverse fellow students.
Finally, the arts (music, dance, literature, visual arts) are a measure of life quality for every community. Some communities will acknowledge this and excel. Others will fall short. Artists and consumers of art both have responsibilities in elevating the quality of life in their communities. On August 2, artists of all levels and their instructors will do their part by sharing their best efforts. We invite our neighbors to come see our venture into lifelong learning.

Each side of Assemblage No. 3 by Norman Carr. Assemblage No. 3 will be on exhibit at Mark Arts School of Creativity 2024 Exhibition, opening August 2.
My submission for Mark Arts School of Creativity Salon 2024 Exhibition is titled Assemblage No. 3. It is as one of my typical paintings was composed in the round. The three tubes are cut from the heavy cardboard tube that was the core of a carpet roll. I would like viewers to imagine this piece as a painting they can walk around and enjoy from 360 degrees.
The Mark Arts School of Creativity Salon 2024 Exhibition will be open August 2 - September 21, 2024 in the Gladys and Karl T. Wiedemann Gallery at Mark Arts - Wichita, Kansas. Additional information about the exhibition can be found here.
*This post was originally published July 2024